Soil Health Principles, With Tanvi Lad
Public Welcome Limited Access Recording Registration Required Free Event Program/Speaker Presentation
Dirt is dead, Soil is alive. Let’s explore the ecosystem below ground, meet microbes that facilitate the nutrient cycle and food web, and talk about what makes soil healthy versus starved of life. We’ll cover topics of soil stewardship practices which keep the above-ground living community healthy.
Tanvi Lad is the IN NW regional Urban Soil Health Specialist, a practicing ecologist, soil microbiologist, and advocate for regenerative living. Her academic background is a B.S. in Ecology at Purdue University, and currently a trainee under Dr. Elaine Ingham’s Soil Food Web and Zach Weiss’s Water Stories. She learned about permaculture and regenerative principles while serving in the Peace Corps, 2015-2017 in Malawi, East Africa. Over the past 5 years, she lived in Colorado, as a local nonprofit’s compost manager, experimenting and sharing knowledge about biologically-active soil, in order to empower community members to steward their soil’s fertility.